The LRC now has Fa$hion For Profit, Co$ting for Profit, and Brand Building for Profit along with the Form$ for Profit CD and the Starting Your Own Apparel Business seminar. Find more information about each item below.

Fashion For Profit: A Professional's Complete Guide to Designing, Manufacturing & Marketing a Successful Line and Retailing
A professional’s complete guide to designing, manufacturing, &
marketing a successful business. Creativity is essential but it isn’t
enough. The passage from initial concept to the ultimate consumer
involves many steps. Fashion For Profit is a roadmap that clearly marks
each step. Included is the internationally recognized Fashion For
Profit’s Glossary of Fabric Terms.
Where to Find It and Borrowing Time
Fashion For Profit is shelved
as HD62.5 .H37 2010. This means it can be found on Bookstack 1
- Shelf 4. This book can be checked out for a period of 2 weeks for
students, faculty and staff.
About the Author*
Since 1999, Frances Harder has been the President and Founder of the
Fashion Business Incorporated (FBI), which provides vital business
development and job retraining programs to the US apparel industry
She has self-published a series of books dealing with starting a
fashion business: Fashion for Profit is an extensive text that covers
the A-to-Z of starting an apparel company, this book along with her
other publications address valuable information to assist when starting
an apparel related venture.
"Loved this book so much and found it so valuable. As did someone else I know and now I can't find it! Anyway, thanks for the great advice and guidance!" - Amy from Atlanta, GA.
"Fashion For Profit is like the REd Cross Book for the fashion industry!" Shawna, LA
"I just got your book in the mail a few days ago and I'm soaking up every word! Thank you for writing such a book! Even though I have a business degree, I still need information like this related to the fashion industry!" K. Wimberley, LA
Read more reviews on the back cover of the book.
Costing For Profit: A Professional's Guide to Effective Costing
Every entrepreneur’s ultimate goal is to run a successful company.
Understanding the complexity of how to cost effectively will play a
major part in achieving this goal. A good idea and the right market
niche can lead you to your dream of running a successful apparel
business. However, for how long? It is a multi-faceted industry with
many important components that should be fully understood when
calculating your selling cost. Determining all the costs and all the
components will be the key to your company’s success. One missing item
or miscalculation from the cost sheet could lead to the loss of a
season’s profit, and if not realized in time could ultimately lead to
the failure of your company.
Where to Find It and Borrowing Time
Costing for Profit is shelved
as HD9940 .A2 H37 2005. This means it can be found on Bookstack 1
- Shelf 4. This book can be checked out for a period of 2 weeks for
students, faculty and staff.
Brand Building For Profit: A Guide to Building a Brand
Brand Building for Profit examines the various steps a new company
should take to begin this important brand building process. Creating a
logo, trademark, and a good background story can lead to lucrative
licensing opportunities, and should be the goal of all new apparel
manufacturers. Brand Building for Profit will help you understand the
different stages of creating a strong image for your brand, as well as
reveal the many possible opportunities that are available to help
create a valuable brand in today’s global marketplace.
Where to Find It and Borrowing Time
Brand Building for Profit is shelved
as HD9940 .A2 H38 2007. This means it can be found on Bookstack 1
- Shelf 4. This book can be checked out for a period of 2 weeks for
students, faculty and staff.
Starting Your Own Apparel Business Seminar
The DVD, Starting Your Own Apparel Business, is a One Hour Seminar presented by Frances Harder.
Read more about the DVD at Fashion For Profit
Where to Find It and Borrowing Time
Starting Your Own Apparel Business is shelved
as HD9940 .A2 H40
. As a DVD means it can be found in the top DVD Bin in front of Bookstack 3. This DVD can be viewed in the library by students, or checked out for a
period of 2 weeks for faculty and staff.
Forms for Profit: Over 20 Forms and Contracts, plus 1,300 Valuable Industry Resources You'll need for Starting Your Own Business
Forms For Profit will give you the templates, in which you can
incorporate your own logo. These forms will save valuable time in
“getting it right”! Some forms, e.g. invoices, costing sheets, sales
order forms, have been built in a dynamic format so calculations can be
achieved in Microsoft Excel.
Forms include: Cash Analysis, Startup Cost Analysis, Pattern
Card, Purchase Order, Invoice, Credit Application, Bill of Materials,
Cutting Ticket, Picking Ticket, Packing Slip, Women’s Croquis, Child
Croquis, Line Sheet Templates, Non-Disclosure Agreement –Examples,
Contractor & Subcontractor Example, Cost Sheet Examples,
Specifications Sheet for Tops, Specification Sheet for Pants, Salesman
Commission Potential, Sales Representative Agreement, Sales Order
Forms, Order Confirmation, Resource Information with Website Links.
Where to Find It and Borrowing Time
Forms for Profit is shelved
as HD9940 .A2 H39 2009. As a CD, it can be found on the small bookshelf along the back wall of the LRC on the bottom shelf. This CD can be viewed in the library by students, or checked out for a
period of 2 weeks for faculty and staff.
Description and About the Author taken from Fashion For Profit:(
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