Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lynda.com Training Library


The LRC is pleased to announce that students, faculty and staff will now have access to Lynda.com. To gain access, you must email the Librarian at sleif@iadtvegas.com with your full name, school email and student ID# if you're a student, or Department if you are faculty. You can also swing by the LRC/Library and give the Librarian the same information in person. 

In the next few posts we'll be highlighting some great training video tutorials. The Lynda Online Training Library® is a constantly growing and evolving body of training video tutorials designed to help you learn what you want, when you want it. IADT Las Vegas now provides access to 1,295 courses and 74,065 tutorials organized by subject, software, and instructor. 

Their videos not only include closed captioning – but the transcripts are searchable allowing you to easily locate an interesting part of the training video or clearly see the step-by-step processes that were explained.

Lynda.com features a library of software and technique training courses for a number of disciplines: 3D, video, business, photography, web design, graphic design, and more. The goal is to help you better understand and maximize your software, whether you want to build your own business, improve your job skills, or simply want to learn more for personal enrichment.

Show coworkers, friends, and potential employers just how valuable you are by earning Certificates of Completion for each course viewed in the Lynda.com Online Training Library®. Whether you’re up for a promotion, seeking employment, or just wanting to improve yourself, members are now able to print and share a Certificate of Completion for each course viewed.

Lynda.com also features insightful documentaries about innovative, creative people and what they make and do. Their Creative Inspirations and Start to Finish series go behind the scenes with creative professionals and industry veterans to witness how great products, ventures, and careers come together.

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