Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Basics of Web Design HTML5 & CSS3

Basics of Web Design HTML5 & CSS3

Basics of Web Design HTML5 & CSS3 is intended for use in a beginning web design or web development course. 

The text covers the basics that web designers need to develop their skills:

-Introductory Internet and Web concepts
-Creating web pages with HTML5
-Configuring text, color, and page layout with Cascading Style Sheets
-Configuring images and multimedia on web pages
-Web design best practices
-Accessibility, usability, and search engine optimization considerations
-Obtaining a domain name and web host
-Publishing to the Web


Where to Find It and Borrowing Time
Basics of Web Design HTML5 & CSS3 is shelved as QA76.76.H94 M6548 2012.  As a book it can be found on Bookstack 4 - Shelf 2. This book can be checked out for a period of 2 weeks for students, faculty and staff.

About the Author*
Dr. Terry Ann Felke-Morris is an Associate Professor at William Rainey Harper College in Palatine, Illinois. She holds a Doctor of Education degree, a Master of Science degree in information systems, and numerous certifications, including Adobe Certified Dreamweaver 8 Developer, WOW Certified Associate Webmaster, Microsoft Certified Professional, Master CIW Designer, and CIW Certified Instructor.

By Barnes and Noble customer:
We use this book in a community college course for both online and face-to-face classes. The full-color book is engaging for students. The two-page topics are geared towards students who may be more visually oriented and who don't want to read a lot. The hands-on practice exercises encourage students to apply what they've just learned. The students really like the hands-on approach with examples, practice exercises, and case studies. This textbook focuses on how to use HTML5 and CSS3 today and while introducing new elements and techniques that will be utilized in the future

Read More of this review, including a description of each chapter, at BARNES AND NOBLE

Written by Lauren Regenhardt, LRC Intern

Description, About the Author, and Review taken from BARNES AND NOBLE: (LINK)


  1. The information written in the article is descriptive and well written.It is also simple to read and understand.Good Read.
    las vegas web design

  2. My last site I built was all HTML and styled with CSS. I built it entirely by hand-coding in Dreamweaver which was a joy. Playing with the code.Build Website with HTML watching the magic happen as code becomes a visual treat. And I wanted a blog to share my ideas and experiences so a framework for that type of information led me to WordPress (WP).
