Saturday, February 8, 2014

Audio Sampling: A Practical Guide
Bringing sampling to a new generation of audio engineers and composers Audio Sampling: A Practical Guide explains how to record and create sampled instruments in a software setting. There are many things that go into creating a sampled instrument and many things that can go wrong, this book is a step by step guide through the process, from introducing sampling, where it begins to recording editing and using samples, providing much sought after detailed information on the actual process of sampling, creating sampled instruments as well as the different ways they can be used.

Where to Find It and Borrowing Time
Audio Sampling: A Practical Guide is shelved as Call # ML74.3 M43 2008.
As a book it can be found on Bookstack 2 - Shelf 6. This book can be checked out for a period of 2 weeks for students, faculty and staff.
About the Author*
Sam Mcguire is on the faculty of the University of Colorado Denver and has served at the Appalachian State University as assistant professor and director of the Robert F. Gilley Recording Studio.
Description and About the Author taken from Amazon

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