Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Art of Walt Disney:
From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms and Beyond
The Art of Walt Disney is one of the most successful and influential illustrated art books on American popular culture ever published. This book was the first to reveal the wealth of concept art, animation drawings, and archival material created in the course of animating films.

Where to Find It and Borrowing Time
The Art of Walt Disney is shelved as Call # NC1766 .U52 .D53 1975.

As a book it can be found on Bookstack 3 - Shelf 1. This book can be checked out for a period of 2 weeks for students, faculty and staff.
About the Author*
Christopher Finch was born in Guernsey in the British Channel Islands, and now lives in Los Angeles. He is an artist and a photographer who has had one person shows in New York and California, and he is the author of almost thirty non-fiction books
Description and About the Author taken from Amazon

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